Vendelsömalsvägen 203, 13666 Vendelsö

    073 21 80 970

 Vendelsömalsvägen 203, 13666 Vendelsö

    073 21 80 970

 Vendelsömalsvägen 203, 13666 Vendelsö

    073 21 80 970



The active substance is Botulinum toxin type A which is a protein extracted from the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. Botox innehåller en aktiv substans botulinumtoxin typ A och är ett muskelavslappnande medel. Botox är ett litet protein som injiceras ner i den muskelgrupp som man vill avslappna under ett antal månader. Med botox kan behandlaren få en muskel att slappna av så att patienten ser mer avslappnad och fräschare ut.

Botox läggs oftast mellan ögonbrynen, i pannan, i horisontella linjer och för att minimera kråksparkarna kring ögonen. Att få bort sura mungipor, apelsinhy på hakan eller på halsen, är också områden där botox används. Men patienter kan även bli av med tandgnissling eller få bukt med utspända käkmuskler med hjälp av botox. Om patienten vill bli fri från sina linjer med botox rekommenderar vi att preparatet injiceras var tredje månad. 

How does Botox work?

Botulinum toxin is a protein that temporarily blocks nerve impulses to the muscles being injected. The actual contraction of the muscle decreases, which leads to the skin becoming smoother and softer in the area. The rest of the facial muscles still function as usual, which means that you retain facial expressions. 

Medical treatment of the jaw muscle reduces tension in the muscle and problems associated with tooth pressing such as pain and headaches cease or decrease. The face often narrows in the jaw muscle area as the muscle size decreases, giving a more V-shaped appearance. You can still chew as usual.

Hyperhidrosis / excessive sweating decreases due to the nerve impulses to the sweat glands in the area being blocked. 

What can be treated?

The most common treatments with Botox are the upper part of the face, wrinkles and creases in the forehead, wrinkles, crow's feet and even eyebrow lifting that gives a more open look. You can also treat the jaw muscle in case of tooth pressing / headache. Annoying sweating in the armpits can be got rid of with the help of Botox and some wrinkles and lines on the neck too.

How does the treatment work?

Small injections are placed in safe well-defined zones with a thin fine needle that minimizes discomfort. It feels a bit like a mosquito bite, no anaesthesia is needed. You can return to your normal chores immediately after your visit to us.


When do you see the effect and how long does it last?

Immediately after the treatment, nothing is visible, some may experience some redness. After a week, you start to see results and it usually takes up to 2 weeks before you get full effect. It then lasts about 4 months.

Are there any side effects?

Some may experience a slight redness and tenderness at the injection sites or a small bruise. Headaches 1-2 days after treatment can occur but often go away quickly. In rare cases, other harmless side effects can occur such as heaviness over the forehead and eyes. These subside after a short time.

Is Botox safe?

Botox is a well-proven and approved drug that has been used for many years. The treatment is performed by a licensed nurse. 

Can Botox Prevent Wrinkles?

Botox treatment can be preventive as it is started early before wrinkles become static. Botox also stops or postpones the appearance of wrinkles with its muscle relaxing effect. It is important to have reasonable expectations of your Botox experience. By the age of 20-30, you may have already begun to notice that you are slowly but surely starting to get wrinkles. Some of these are only visible when you touch your face while others are static (those that are seen at rest when we look in the mirror).

What Botox does is relaxes your muscles. This in turn reduces the movement of the muscles, which reduces the creation of expression lines and wrinkles. In other words, Botox injections can prevent lines and wrinkles from forming or getting worse. For best results you should start with Botox as early as possible to prevent expression lines and wrinkles.

You often see a big difference even if you already have wrinkles and there are other treatments such as fillers and laser treatments that you can supplement a Botox treatment with to further improve the result.

Long-term use of Botox leads to smoother skin. Botox is therefore an excellent remedy for use in the prevention of wrinkles.

The complications with Botox

De vanligaste biverkningarna av Botox är svullnad eller blåmärken. Allergi mot proteinet är extremt ovanligt men kan förekomma och då krävs det att det finns en adrenalinspruta i närheten av patienten. Hos oss jobbar legitimerad sjuksköterska och vi kan hantera eventuella allergiska reaktioner.

Botox is not recommended for use on those who suffer from muscle diseases, use antibiotics, or take other types of drugs that can affect the nerve signals in the muscles. It should also not be used on those under 25 years of age (exceptions are made), pregnant women, those who are breastfeeding or have an infection.

Follow-up of results on patients

All new patients who come to us are automatically booked for a return visit after two to three weeks.

What should I think about after the treatment?

You can return to your normal activities after the treatment, and it is possible to drive a car. You should avoid massaging or pressing on the area after the treatment as it can cause Botox to spread to nearby muscles which will then be affected for some time to come. Heavy training, heat such as direct sunlight, hot shower, or seating in a jacuzzi and flying should be avoided the first day.

For best results, consider the following after a Botox treatment:

Do not touch or use preparations on the area that are not sterile for at least 4 hours.

Do not perform strenuous physical activity / exercise / gym in 3 days. No hot shower or bath in 24 hours. Do not use products containing AHA, BHA, PHA acids, retinoids, or benzoyl peroxide for 3 days. No sleeping on your stomach for 3 days (sleep on your back). No bathing in the tab for 1 week. Do not be exposed to direct UV radiation (sun or solarium) in 1 week. Do not massage, scrub or peel the face in 3 weeks. Do not overwork the facial muscles in 1 week. No long flights in 2 days. No use of a tan-without-sun cream in 2 days.